Mikrophonie pre amp and surface mic

Mikrophonie is the title given by Karlheinz Stockhausen to two of his compositions, written in 1964 and 1965, in which “normally inaudible vibrations … are made audible by an active process of sound detection” (Wikipedia).

The Mikrophonie is also a Eurorack Module originally created by Tom Whitwell (inspired by the original). Later versions include the Music Thing Modular Ears. Both modules contain a pre amp to have an input into your modular for non-Eurorack level audio signals. And it includes a piezo contact microphone, making you modular case itself an instrument.

My version is an instrument on its own. It is intended to work as a separate device, have its own power supply and some specific sound properties (woodblock, spring, metal keys). But with also the possibility to work as a regular pre amp. Output should at least be the audio at Eurorack level, but maybe we include some of the other circuit of the Ears module as well.

This kind of machine is typically called a “noise box”: A box to create noise with, using original sounds, electrically amplified.