Vocoder case

The case consists of three separate sections:

  1. The filter modulation section (FM);
  2. The program input section (PI);
  3. The sound source section (SSI, SS-LFO, SS-NOISE, SS-VCO, SS-ENV);
  4. The filter bank control section (FC).

The codes for these sections are cross-referenced in the design, to make sure all controls are accounted for.

FM - Filter modulation sectionPermalink

The filter modulation section consists of three knobs and three CV jack inputs:

  • FREQ MOD: Frequency modulation knob and jack;
  • WIDTH MOD: Q (bandwidth) modulation knob and jack;
  • RESONANCE: Filter resonance knob and jack.

PI - Program input sectionPermalink

The program input section consists of two sound source inputs, a knob and a switch:

  • PROGRAM: XLR microphone input;
  • PROGRAM: jack line input;
  • GAIN: gain level of the preamp;
  • ANALYSER: switch to select either the trigger section or the vocoder analyser section.

Sounde source sectionPermalink

SSI - Sound Source InputPermalink

The sound source input is a single input jack:

  • CARRIER: jack line input.

SS-LFO Sound source, LFOPermalink

The LFO section consists of one input jacks, two knobs, one output jack and one selector dial:

  • LFO RATE: LFO Frequency knob and jack;
  • LFO AMT: LFO Modulation amount knob;
  • LFO SHAPE: LFO Waveform selector;
  • LFO: The LFO Signal output jack.

SS-NOISE Sound source, noicePermalink

The NOISE section consists of a knob and a switch:

  • MIX: Mix knob between VCO and the NOISE or Carrier input;
  • HISS: switch to turn on the routing of noise to channels 15 and 16 of the carrier filter bank.

SS-VCO Sound source, oscillatorPermalink

The VCO section consists of 4 input jacks, 1 output jack, 2 knobs and 1 selector switch (3 settings)

  • VCO FREQ: 1v/o frequency input jack and knob;
  • VCO PWM: input jack to modulate the pulse width (for square wave);
  • VCO FM: input jack for frequency modulation;
  • VCO SHAPE: VCO Waveform selector (Triange, Sawtooth, Square)
  • SUPERSAW IN: Supersaw input jack;
  • SUPERSAW OUT: Supersaw output jack;
  • SUPERSAW Wet/dry knob;

SS-ENV Sound source, envelope generatorPermalink

THE Envelope generator section consists of 2 knobs, 1 input jack and 1 button:

  • TRIG: input jack to trigger the envelope generator;
  • TRIG: button to trigger the envelope generator;
  • ATTACK: knob to set the attack duration;
  • RELEASE: knob to set the release duration;

FC - Filter bank control sectionPermalink

The filter bank control section consists of 32 output jacks, 16 input jacks and 16 sliders:

  • PROG: 16 envelope follower output jacks;
  • LEVEL: 16 sliders to control the VCA output level per channel;
  • VCA: 16 input jacks to the VCA CV;
  • ODD: The mix of all odd VCA output levels;
  • EVEN: The mix of all even VCA output levels;
  • OUTPUT: The final output, mix of all VCA output levels.