Arduino pins

VFD pin Arduino pin Description
- Vin 5V input, but is this correct? Shouldn’t we use the 5V pin?
- 3 test LED (blinking)
1 - Filament F-
5 5V Vdd, same for arduino Vdd. Should be 3.3V for ESP32
- 8 Vdisp-ON, to enable Vdisp, via the NPN-PNP high side, dual power rail transistor circuit
6 - Vdisp, switched via PNP/P-channel transistor
7 GND GND common ground
8 - OSC circuit
9 9 RST reset pin
10 10 CS chip select SPI
11 13 CLK clock for SPI
12 11 DIN data input for SPI
45 - Filament F+

SPI for the arduino UNO:

Pin Code Designation
10 CS Chip select, might be any pin, but 10 is custom
11 MOSI Master output, slave input. As the Arduino will be the master, this is connected to the DIN data input of the VFD
12 MISO Master input, slave output. Not used (VFD communication is one way only). But as the SPI library read this input, we cannot use this pin!
13 SCLK Serial clock, from the master