Treble booster case

For the case we use a Hammond 1590TRPC case, as depicted below.

The dimensions of this case are 151,02mm (top width), 121.75mm (bottom width), 95mm height and 39mm depth. The layout of the switches and dials are depicted below.

The foot switches are select/bypass switches for the individual treble boosters. The LEDs will light up whenever a booster is selected. The dials above the foot switches are output volume dials (“boost” dial for the Germanium version). The two other switches are selectors for the Tube booster. With the “treble” switch you select the cut-off for the filter, with the “booster” switch you select the extra kick for the tube.

A problem with this case, is de size of the PCB for the banana-booster: it’s 75.1mm x 64.0mm. This means that most of the room in the Hammond case is already taken. One solution might be to put the PCB’s for the other boosters vertical (as they are only 2.54mm wide). But room for the controls are also needed… We might need to put the booster pot on a different place (although the pot is not that high).

Knobs might be this ones.