dXFM2 Usage - Master settings

Volume (master main page)

Op Setting Description
6 Tuning Tuning system
5 Glide Glide/Legato/Portamento
4 Portamento time Time between notes
3 Mono/poly Monophonic or Polyphonic synth
2 Transpose Transpose setting
1 Pan Global panning in the stereo image
0 Output volume  


Reserved: this page is not yet assigned to any parameter

Pitch & Feedback (velocity offset & sensitivity)

Changes the velocity sensitivity (how hard you hit a key) of a particular operator. The bottomleft dial sets the global velocity offset (this adds to the midi velocity received).

Duration & Level (mixer for unit #1 & #2)

Duration sets the mixing levels for unit #1, Level sets the mixing levels for unit #2. By pressing these buttons again, you toggle between left and right channels.