dXFM2 Usage

OLED Screens

Each OLED screen correpond to the settings of a particular operator. The bottom OLED screen displays general information. In the default setting (OPS page, Volume), these screens display the most important settings:

  • The level of the operator (the topleft number);
  • Indication of feedback for that operator (the topleft number will be displayed in a white box)
  • The frequency ratio (coarse and fine) between operators;
  • The level (amplitude) envelope, displayed graphically.

The bottom OLED screen will display the current patch and the output volume.

Basic operation

  • The leftmost dial is used for the output volume of the synthesizer;
  • The other six dials each correspond to an operator;
  • The green buttons on the right side are used to select a particular part of the synthesizer you want to change;
  • The blue buttons on the left side are used to select a subsection for the selected part of the synthesizer;
  • The green/orange/red button matrix in the middle is used to configure the routing of carriers and operators;
  • The three large dials at the right bottom are used the select particular parameters, patches and “hidden” features;
  • The bottom OLED screen displays general information, the other OLED screens each correpond to an operator.

Algorithm matrix

Unlike the DX7 and most other FM synthesizers, the dXFM2 can be used to create any routing between carriers and modulars.

  • The bottom row of green buttons display which operator is a carrier (adding actual sound to the output);
  • The orange buttons display which operator is a modular for another operator, following the arrows on the panel;
  • The red buttons display which operator is a modular for another operator higher in the matrix, creating modulation loops.

Green button panel

When you look at the green LED buttons, you see that two rows of identical options are available. The dXFM2 has two identifical FM synth units, and by selected between the left or right column, you select the unit for which you want to change a parameter.

  • LFO will enable the parameter page for the low frequency oscillator;
  • OSC will enable the parameter page for the sound oscillators;
  • OPS will enable the parameter page for the operators (selected by default);
  • EFX will enable the parameter page for the effects;
  • MASTER will enable the parameter page for some global parameters.

Param & Patch dials

If you really want to do some menu-diving, three additional dials are available:

  • The Param dial gives you access to a regular menu. From this menu, you can change some more exotic parameters or have some extra options to ease the workflow while shaping FM sounds.
  • With the Data dial you change some parameter value, as selected with the Param dial.
  • With the Patch dial you activate a previously stored patch from the XFM2 memory banks (127 patches are available). Select a patch by turning the dial, and activate a patch by pushing the dial (all dials are actually push buttons as well as encoders).