dXFM2 Usage - Param & Patch dials

Nr Menu Description
0 Initialize Initializes all parameters of the dXFM2
1 Algorithm selection Select a DX7 algorithm
2 DX7 Factory Patch selection Select a patch from the original DX7 factory presets
3 MIDI Sets the MIDI configuration
4 Params A Displays values of the parameters 0-255
5 Params B Displays values of the parameter 256-511
6 LEDs Sets the LED configuration
7 Synth mode Sets the synth-mode: XFM2 (default, most values from 0-255) or DX7 (legacy mode, most values from 0-99)

Patch dial

You select a specific patch stored in the XFM2 memory banks with the Patch dial. After selecting a patch, you activate this patch by pressing the patch-dial.

Param dial

With the param-dial, you select a menu item, and with the data-dial you change or select the corresponding menu item value.

0. Init

The first menu-option is the initialization of the XFM2 synthesizer. Because this is the first item, clicking on the Data-dial will automatically initialize the synthesizer.

1. Algorithm

For those that are “hooked” to the original 32 algorithms of the DX7, you can use this menu-option to select a specific algorithm. Note that you can still change every operator routing manually! It is just a quick way of selecting an algorithm to get you started. But don’t be afraid to boldly go where no FM synth has gone before!

2. DX7 patches

An for those that really want to hear those classic DX7 sounds, all original DX7 factory patches are available. But don’t expect them to be your end destination! Please explore and use the dXFM2 to all it capabilities! This menu-option will not change you powerful dXFM2 to a mere DX7, but will give you XFM2 settings for those original patches to explore and eleborate from this starting point.